
Pazura helped her even though she abandoned him and left him with her little daughter

2024-07-03 11:30 来源:本站编辑

Cezary Pazura went through extremely difficult times in his private life. His marriage to his first wife, Janeta, ended in a dramatic breakup that had a huge impact on his life.

They met when Cezary was 24 and Żaneta was only 16. Their meeting during acting workshops in Łazy began a relationship that quickly turned into marriage. Three years later, in 1989, they got married, and soon their daughter, Anastazja, was born. At first everything looked idyllic, but problems soon arose.

Marriage problems

Żaneta Pazura found her way in the world of show business, which dominated her husband's life. Cezary often went to Warsaw to record, which meant that Żaneta spent a lot of time alone. At that time, she started visiting fashionable clubs, where she met new friends and she began experimenting with alcohol and drugs. Her own mother often helped her with her little daughter, which may have made it easier to use stimulants. Hidden bottles could be found all over the house. The actor tried to help her by sending her to therapy, but to no avail.

The situation was getting worse every week. Żaneta became more and more aggressive and unpredictable, which culminated in the incident where publicly attacked her husband. After this event, Pazura decided to divorce. In 1994, after five years of marriage, Żaneta she left the house without a word, leaving Cezary alone with his daughter.

The impact of the breakup on Pazura's career

Breaking up with Żaneta and raising his daughter alone had a significant impact on Cezary Pazura's career. Although it was a very difficult period for him, the actor managed to maintain his position in show business. However, he had to face many challenges. Pazura repeatedly emphasized that For him, work was a form of therapy and an escape from personal problems. Thanks to his talent and determination, he managed to continue his acting career, appearing in many popular films and series.

Relationship with daughter Anastasia

The relationship between Cezary and his daughter Anastazja developed in unique circumstances. After breaking up with Żaneta, Pazura had to take full responsibility for raising his daughter. He tried to provide her with the best possible life, despite numerous difficulties. Anastazja has repeatedly emphasized the important role her father played in her life he was both dad and mom to her. Cezary often took his daughter to film sets, trying to spend as much time with her as possible.

The further fate of Żaneta Pazura

After breaking up with Cezary, Żaneta disappeared from public life. For years, the actor tried to find her to settle divorce cases and debts that had accumulated due to her addictions. Eventually, she was found in a rehab center, where she agreed to a divorce. Then Żaneta abandoned her former husband's surname.

According to information from 2010, Żaneta lived in Łódź, raising her younger daughter. with addictions and lead a peaceful life. The weekly "Rewia" found out that Cezary sometimes helped his ex-wife when she was getting back on her feet. However, Anastasia did not maintain contact with her.

Source: Gazeta
